WeDort Identity Guidelines
January 2024
The Wedort identity is a symbol of trust and a commitment to excellence. When you are authorized or certified in your field of transportation and logistics, you also represent Wedort. By adhering to these guidelines, you harness the advantages of the Wedort identity and contribute to its strength.
Wedort Requirements
The Wedort brand elements and graphics outlined in these guidelines are intended for use exclusively by current Wedort affiliates who have entered into the Wedort Authorized Transportation Partner Agreement and by individuals with a valid Wedort certification. Wedort affiliates and certified individuals must adhere to these guidelines when promoting their association with Wedort in their communications.
Wedort reserves the right to revoke permission to use a Wedort brand element at any time if its use is inconsistent with these guidelines or is deemed inappropriate by Wedort. Wedort brand elements cannot be employed in connection with any communications that do not align with the criteria specified in the Wedort Authorized Transportation Partner Agreement or Wedort Certification Agreement.
Primary Logo
Our primary logo seamlessly integrates our distinctive brandmark, a die-cut box, with our impactful wordmark.
Primary Logo
This is the main Wedort logo. It should be used in this form whenever possible.
Inverted Primary Logo
This version features a white wordmark for greater legibility on dark or busy backgrounds.
Monotone logos
When our primary or full-color logos aren’t an option, use the monotone logo that provides the most contrast. Please note, the monotone logos have a gap in The die-cut box.
Some conditions that make using our primary or inverted full-color logos impossible include:
- When budgets require single color printing.
- When accurate color representations aren't attainable.
- On busy or patterned backgrounds.
- On backgrounds without enough contrast.
- On the triangle, the opacity should be set to 30% in relation to the main color.
The die-cut box
There are a few circumstances where our brandmark, The die-cut box, can represent the brand on its own without the wordmark.
- When logo legibility is compromised. If the size of the logo would make the wordmark illegible.
- When a full-color logo is nearby. For example, in a multi-panel ad featuring a large full-color logo, The die-cut box can be used alone as a secondary brand signifier.
- In a situation where the brand is already established. Within our product, our offices, or at a WeDort event. Anywhere die-cut box will be instantly recognized as part of our brand.
- When space is extremely limited. For example, when the logo must live within a square or circle shape.
Clear space
Our logo works best when it has enough room to breathe.
Keep a clear space of ‘X’ around our logo at all times to maintain its visual impact in every composition. X = the x-height of the wordmark.
Keep a clear space of X around die-cut box at all times, to maintain its visual impact in every composition.
Minimum size
To maintain the visual integrity of our logo, don’t scale it below 80 pixels or 28 millimeters wide.
100px (width)
26mm (width)
Best practices
Here’s a few examples of what we should absolutely avoid when using the logo.
Don’t use the wordmark alone
Don't stretch or squeeze it
Don’t rotate it
Don’t use busy backgrounds
Don’t use against low-contrast
Don’t use gradients or shadows
Don’t stack the logo
Don’t create your own version
Trademark Usage Guidelines
These guidelines delineate the proper utilization and visual presentation of Wedort's brand assets under all circumstances. Your incorporation of our brand assets signifies your agreement to adhere to these guidelines, and any violation will result in the automatic termination of your license and/or permission to use our brand assets.
Permission for the use of our brand assets must be explicitly granted in writing.
Your usage must not create confusion among consumers regarding our sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of your company, products, or services.
Our brand assets are exclusively owned by Wedort. Any positive association resulting from your use of our brand assets will solely benefit Wedort. You are prohibited from taking any action conflicting with our rights or ownership of our brand assets. When used on a webpage, our brand assets, along with the mention of our name, should include embedded hyperlinks to our homepage:
Respectful usage is imperative for our brand assets. They may not be employed in a manner that could harm Wedort, our products or services, or in a way that, in our judgment, diminishes our reputation or the goodwill associated with our brand assets. In essence, please refrain from associating our brand assets with any illicit or illegal activities or using them deceptively or harmfully.
WeDort Logo Pack
WeDort Identity Guidelines